S-107x This is a service done to YOUR (large or small) Columbia or Busy Bee aluminum floating reproducer – you have to send us your reproducer to have this work done. For cylinder phonographs. We replace sapphire ball STYLUS (NEEDLE) PLEASE NOTE: Stylus LIMIT 1 in your existing** stylus hub or bar; replace mica diaphragm if necessary; clean and reseal (rewax with new gasket) the reproducer. Photo shows the larger reproducer WITH** the stylus hub. This service applies to such floating reproducers, large or small, **with a stylus hub or bar. Cost is $60 plus s/h. IF YOUR REPRODUCER DOES NOT HAVE THE STYLUS HUB OR BAR, SEE S-107a. The reproducer shown in the photo is NOT a part of this sale/service.] Contact us if you have more questions. A thumb screw is available at R-108-x.
S-107x Columbia cylinder Stylus (Needle) replacement
1 in stock
SKU: S-107x
Categories: Reproducers & Related Parts, Needles / Styluses, Services / Repairs
Tag: Columbia
Shipping Note
The MINIMUM shipping charge is $5 for ANY order in USA. Please refer to the shipping/handling chart for details.