R-115-Y Edison DD ADAPTER and REPRODUCER to play 78s. This unit slides into the horn in the same way as the diamond disc reproducer does. The tone arm part is completely free of tight joints. The reproducer is a VICTOR EXHIBITION reproducer that uses common steel needles to play ordinary (acoustic, lateral-cut) 78 rpm records. It has been completely overhauled and now contains a new back flange, a new mica diaphragm and new gaskets. The complete unit has been tested and now plays and sounds great! (Such adapters are not used to play the Edison Diamond disc records nor Pathe vertical cut records that would use the sapphire ball stylus.) – NOTE: The reproducer can be sold separately for $135 (see # R-156d), and the tone arm can be sold separately for $75 (use # R-115x).
R-115-Y Edison DD ADAPTER and REPRODUCER to play 78s
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SKU: R-115-Y
Category: Reproducers & Related Parts
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The MINIMUM shipping charge is $5 for ANY order in USA. Please refer to the shipping/handling chart for details.
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