L-142c Brunswick One-Sided ULTONA Reproducer Instructions to play All 78’s records, including Edison DD ‘s and PATHE’s. 8-page booklet copy of an original. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLAYING ALL RECORDS WITH NEW SINGLE DIAPHRAGM “ULTONA”. Included are instructions to how to play EDISON DD records and PATHE “hill-and-dale” records, as well as how to play common 78s [vertical cut records]. (Some instructions contained in this booklet also apply to the double-sided Brunswick ULTONA, though not specifically mentioned in this booklet.) NOTE: The photo on the front page shows the position setting for playing EDISON DD records and PATHE records. Also NOTE that the balance weight [marked “C” in the booklet] must be towards front for playing Pathe and other vertical cut records except Edison.
L-142c Brunswick One-Sided ULTONA Reproducer Instructions
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